All Ceramic Crowns
Natural teeth are translucent. As a result, dental depth and vitality occur. Due to the light transmission properties of metal free porcelain crowns (all ceramic), depth and liveliness are more so that the closest results to the natural tooth are obtained.
Metal Free All Ceramic Crowns and Bridges
We normally fabricate the crown or bridge prosthesis, which for the restoration of teeth underwent excessive material loss, infrastructures as metal and make sure that the top porcelain is not broken.
Nowadays, Infrastructure produced from reinforced without using metal porcelain instead of metal and with exceptions it is more difficult anymore to keep metal infrastructures at our options in terms of health and aesthetics .
Natural teeth are translucent. Due to the light transmission properties of metal free porcelain crowns (all ceramic), depth and liveliness are more so that the closest results to the natural tooth are obtained.
- While all ceramics create a very similar aesthetic to natural tooth structure because they are translucent, even if they are made very well, there is a dullness and artificiality in metal porcelain. For this reason, full ceramics should be preferred especially in the front teeth.
- Pporcelaine-fused-to-metal give a dark-colored space image in some lights (disco, photographic flash, etc.) as they were missing in the mouth. All ceramics react like natural teeth and it is translucent for all kinds of light.
- Pporcelaine-fused-to-metal bonded to the teeth mechanically. The All ceramics are bonded to the tooth mechanically and chemically (Adhesive Cementation). This means that they have much higher retention than metal supported. They fall harder.
- Since there is no metal at the structure, there is not a dark color line (Purple Color) between the crown and the gum. More aesthetic appearance is provided.
- When there is a recession, full porcelains maintain their aesthetic appearance, while metal porcelains form a bad image in the areawhere they join with the tooth.
• There is no risk of allergy to certain metals used in the substructure (nickel, etc.) in complete ceramics.