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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
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Aesthetic Smile Design

The first key of self-confidence begins with the beginning of positive energy, the combination of words with emotion, the reflection of self, the perfect magnificent smile of your ability to express happiness . Lips reminiscent  of red  and  teeth reminiscent of white .The different reflections of the light on material , as in the other colors that make white as white, take the necessary amount of light and reflect the required  amount. The form and size of the teeth are as important as the whiteness. Here is the boundless , freely , self-confidence  is the outset of  smile, harmonious teeth with white and symmetric . People focus on each other's eyes and lips , smiles  during their first meet . In an incongruous smile, your eyes will concentrate on the teeth of the person immediately and try to find the reason for the inconvenience. There is no problem in a harmonious smile, our eyes record positive images of the brain .Smile design is a primary concern of the Aesthetic Dentistry . Aesthetic Dentistry aims to make your personal expectations come together by combining functionality and naturalness.


*Do you keep your smile while you take a photo?

*Have you ever close your mouth with your hands while laughing?

*Do your front teeth have fillings and caries  ?

*Is not the colour of your teeth as white as you want?

*Are there gaps between your front teeth?

*Does your teeth size bother you?

*When you smile, your gums are very visible and cannot your gums close your teeth  enough?

*Are there crowding  and irregular alignment  in your teeth?

*Would you like to have someone else's smile?

*Do you miss the colors and forms of your previous teeth years ago?

* Your Gender

* Your Age

* Your face shape

* Your lips

* The form and colour of your teeth

* your gums

* Your personality Pink aesthetics     

An aesthetic smile is not only possible with white, regular teeth, but with gums compatible with these teeth. In people with gum problems, it is impossible to speak of aesthetic teeth or an effective smile. Problematic gums will prevent the aesthetic appearance of the teeth if the bleeding , the contours are incompatible, oedema imaged and disproportionate levels .The biggest problem among these is that the gums are appeared more than enough during laughing .Preventing the gums from appearing too much during the smile is possible by the small gingival operations and adhering to the principle of preserving mucous and supporting tissues . For smile designs to be made on individuals with healthy teeth and gums, setting of the gum levels will be done with the help of a periodontist . Another problem is that the gingival recession results in a longer appearance of teeth and  yellow-brown appearance of the tooth due to root surface colour at gingival level . Gingival recession appears as   anatomical and aesthetic problem. In both cases, prevention of gingival recession and recovery of lost tissue is targeted . The result will be satisfactory in terms of aesthetics and function .




We'll do everything we can to make our next best project!