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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
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General Anesthesia and Sedation

The patient is relieved with a combination of some Sedative (similar to Diazem), Narcotic Analgesic (similar to Morphine) and sometimes Hypnotic, and a short Amnesia (forgetfulness) is provided and the patient's dental treatment with Local Anesthesia can be done in a short time. This is not a general aesthetic, it is applied in the dental examination office, not in the hospital or the surgery room. The patient may perform the commands he / she receives from the physician. Dialogue between the patient and the physician is possible When the dentist tells the patient to open his mouth, the patient does this easily. During the procedure, the anesthesiologist monitors the patient and monitors the patient's pulse and tension.

The patient is not exposed to psychological trauma after the operation  because patient  does not remember the oral dental treatment , pain , sounds patients do not like , etc., with the effect of drugs . This will facilitate the patient's return to dental treatment at a later session. Conscious sedation can be used safely both in adults and children. There are no known side effects. It is administered intravenously (with in a vein ) in adults. Dose adjustment is done according to weight. In children there are forms that are applied by oral (syrup), rectal , intranasal (through the nose ). Additional doses may be given depending on the duration of the dental treatment procedure. It is possible to perform many dental treatments in one session  (such as teeth extraction , fillings)

General Anesthesia, commonly known as narcosis in the common language, is provided by a combination of three major drug combinations.

  1. Temporary loss of consciousness of the patient with the help of hypnotic drugs,
  2. Narcotic Analgesics (Morphine-like painkillers) even if the patient is unconscious, a painless operation,
  3. All the muscles in the body are loosened with neuromuscular blocking drugs to provide a comfortable surgical environment . With the use of muscle relaxants, all muscles are temporarily paralysed, including respiratory muscles that provide respiration anda small sterile tube , which we call the endotracheal tube ,is placed in the patient’s windpipe( trachea ), at the anesthesiologist’s control , the respiration of the patient is provided by the anesthetic apparatus .

The continuation of general anesthesia is provided with the gases being ventilated such as  Oxygen / air or Oxygen / Nitrous oxide  mixture as well as Volatile anesthetic agents (Sevoflurane , etc.)

With the recent developments in medicine, medicaments  used in anesthesia have very few side effects and are rapidly eliminated from the body . In addition, with current medical technology, both the anaesthesia devices and the patient monitorization, the vital signs of the patients can be monitored very closely . Because of these reasons, complications due to anaesthesia (general or sedation) are quite rare as long as they are done in competent hands and under appropriate conditions . The most frightening thing for every anesthetist is the patient's fullness. Because if the patient is vomiting during full anaesthesia and the vomit passes to the patient's lungs, it can lead to Pneumonia , which can be extremely severe and fatal.For this reason ,  we want strongly  our patients to be hungry for at least 8 hours (like Fasting). The first rule of minimizing complications depends on the detailed implementation of the patient's Pre-op ( pre-operative ) anesthesia assessment examination .

After the dental treatments to be performed are planned in the relevant departments, Pre-op anesthesia assessment examination are performed for patients who come to our hospital. At the anesthesia examination, the patient's detailed resume (previously surgery or diseases, drugs that are constantly being taken, etc.) is learned first and the Physical Examination is performed. After the necessary examinations are made, the surgery  appointment is given .

  1. ASA-I (patients with no health problems and least risk of anesthesia)
  2. ASA-II ( It is a group of patients with mild illness such as Diabetes and Hypertension who have not affected their life functions.)
  3. ASA-III( Patient group affected by vital functions such as cardiac insufficiency , respiratory insufficiency and high risk of anesthesia),
  4. ASA -IV ( patient group with advancedcardiac insufficiency , liver failure, renal insufficiency ,respiratory insufficiency)

  1. ASA-I and  ASA-II children and adults can be examined in 5 groups.

    1. Children under 4 years of age — this group of children is very difficult to treat teeth with persuasion.
    2. Children or adults with developmental delays
    3. Adult patients with irrational fear(Phobia )
    4. Surgical procedures requiring general anesthesia (Bone graft, Bone cyst, etc.)
    5. Patients who want to be under general anesthesia for a short time (2-3 hours ) for many surgical procedures that cannot be done at one session with local anesthesia session.




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