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Psychoanalytic Dentistry

There are many kinds of fears in human life. Fear is a part of our life and affects our daily life negatively. Dental fear  is one of the fears people have. Some researchers have emphasized that dental fear is caused by traumatic experiences or by social learning(Bergren et al. 1997). 

Gale (1972) states that not only medical interventions but also the communication that the dentist establishes with the patient and the comments dentist  has made to the patient about dental treatment may lead to this fear .

Stouthard and Hoogstraten (1987) investigated dental fear in four areas, including readiness to visit a dentist, regular dentist visits, dentist comments on the oral area and treatment process , specially stated the fear increase up to the comment of the dentist about the oral region and the treatment period .

Dental phobia usually leads to impaired oral health and therefore general health of the individual.

It is very important to evaluate the dental fear correctly. All dimensions of dental fear need to be elaborated in detail. Hoogstraten, Melenbergh, Stouthard (1993) state that more than one means of measurement must be used in the research to be carried out on dental anxiety, since the existing scales do not fully cover the concept of dental anxiety.

Dental fear   and  treatment of this fear  is an important emphasized matter  in developed countries.

Dental  fear in our society is also related to the fact that the frequency of going to the dentist is very small .Therefore, the systemic diseases that occur with unhealthy mouths and teeth are our biggest health problems.

We provide a different approach to our patients with dental fear in our clinic. First, we investigate the source of fear with our professional team and we organise psychotherapies according to the source of the patient's fear. At the end of therapies, we start treatment for oral and dental health when the patient is ready.




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