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Children dentistry

The first aim of pedodontics  is to establish a healthy and interactive communications.The first session just completed accompanied by an informative chat about introduction and oral care.In the following sessions, the treatment of the child patients is continued with the equipment, personnel, and the place with tell-show-apply technique appropriate for child psychology.

Our pedodontists  are able to treat all dentistry, such as periodontal treatment, filling and tooth extraction, according to the treatment needs of children . During the period from infancy to young adulthood, all oral and dental health problems and preventive treatments are performed by pedodontists.

Our pedodontists also have the knowledge and experience to solve the oral and dental problems of disabled people, who also need special attention.

Preventive treatment is very important in children dentistry as it is in every area.Having your child under regular physician control, gaining proper toothbrushing and nutrition habits ensures that he/she has healthy teeth for a lifetime.

The importance of milk teeth is also great at dental health . The unwell-preserved milk teeth cause rotting and aching.If lose early , permanent teeth will appeared crowded teeth .

For this reason, the best thing to do is to start checking your child's milk teeth from the time they come out. Preventing tooth decay with protective methods such as fluor application and fissure sealant (isolation filler).At the same time, orthodontic problems affecting the appearance of mouth and face will be solved easily by early intervention, which will contribute to your child becoming a self-confident and happy person.

Protective Dentistry New treatment approaches include treating  existing diseases as well as aims to prevent  these  diseases before they occur .Protective dentistry in this frame;

• Good eating habits

• Quality home care

It can prevent some discomforts before they occur. Besides,

• Will suffer less

• Will have shorter and simpler treatments

• It will cost less

• It will be more comfortable

• You will be able to laugh more comfortably.

Preventive dentistry starts at an early age therefore, they are mostly children-oriented initiatives.

Fluor application: Thanks to the topical Fluor applications practiced clinically by the dentist , there is a considerable reduction in tooth decay . It is possible with  applications include fluoride gels, solutions and some dental materials .

Periodic checks : With the computerized tracking system, the registered appointments of registered patients can easily be done without any interruption. Thanks to these routine controls (usually once every 6 months), both oral hygiene can be followed and possible problems can be caught in the initial phase. The ultimate point in early caries diagnosis today , laser detection of caries. This device, which has the ability to distinguish even non-visible caries, which can not be seen by x-ray, is very successful when compared to the conventional inspection methods.In addition, the panoramic radiographs taken before the examination on the first appointment are also great contributions to early diagnosis.

Fissure Sealant : Fissure is a form of preventive treatment aimed at protecting teeth  against decay without developing decay. Studies show that 90% of caries develop on the chewing surfaces of the molar teeth .The great molar teeth were not fully calcified in the first months they were seen in the mouth (they did not harden) and they are inclined to caries . Fissure Sealant fill the pits and fissures  on the chewing surfaces of these teeth and prevent the risk of food accumulation and the development of caries there. Particularly in individuals who are familial records , these treatments are considered necessary.

Space Maintainer : It is called a Space Maintainer  for mobile or fixed apparatus  that made to protect the premises of prematurely lost milk teeth due to any reason. Premature loss of milk teeth causes functional and aesthetic problems as well as a number of developmental problems. Milk teeth guide for permanent teeth that will last . If they are lost before their time, the permanent teeth cannot find space to erupt and crowding develop . For this reason, periodic controls are not neglected, and the development and decay of the first school children in the period of mixed dentition should be kept very tight.

Balanced diet : Balanced diet has direct relevance to caries .Balanced nutrition refers to the intake of food for growth and development. What kind of foods should be taken and how often should they be taken? Children's eating habits should be followed and it must be determined how often what he / she eats .Not to consume carbohydrate-rich foods with main meals and to consume these types of foods (cake , potatoes, chips, chocolate, sugar, biscuits) at intermediate meals will be of great benefit in terms of caries development . To consume carbohydrate-rich foods with main meals and to consume these types of foods (pasta, potatoes, chips, chocolate, sugar, biscuits) at intermediate meals will be of great benefit in terms of caries development . For example ; instead of eating a pack of chocolates at 5 times with an interval of one hour , eat the entire  package after lunch is less harmful.

In children, dental periods can be examined in three different periods:

1) 0-6 age : Milk tooth period:

Milk teeth may vary, but after an average of 6 months, they often erupt  from the lower front area and may vary but will be completed at approximately 3 years old .During this period, a total of 20 milk teeth (10 of them at  submaxilla , 10 of them at maxilla ) are placed symmetrically.

2) 6-12 age : Mixed dentition period:

At the same time, it is the age range in which both the teeth ,  molar milk tooth and incisor permanent tooth  are seen in the mouth .Over time, the molar milk tooth leave and small molar tooth will replace it as a transition to the Continuous period of dentition.

3) 12 years old and after : Continuous period of dentition:

This period is the period when the milk teeth have completely fallen and are now constantly getting permanent  teeth in the mouth and the balance and contacts between the teeth , interdental balance and contact are formed .

Beginning in infancy, in order to have healthy teeth in the period of milk tooth, it is necessary to adhere to the correct nutritional forms and to protect from the special type of caries called "bottle decay” .Milk teeth are important in terms of correct extraction of vowels and letters in the new  speech function that will be started in this period, as well as appearance, bite and eating functions. Milk teeth also serve as a placeholder and erupt direction on  the jaws for the permanent teeth that will come to their place. For this reason, tooth extraction during the period of milk tooth should be a treatment alternative need to be evaluated as a last resort .

In the early period , If enough oral hygiene initiatives are not achieved in children whose teeth decay in their mouths and it has been identified in studies that the risk of caries is higher in the elderly during the Continuous period of dentition . Milk tooth extraction made in the early period can lead nutritional disorders and to weight loss in the child . Can change the eruption  period of permanent teeth and can prevent them being placed correctly .

This is why “space maintainer " must be applied in order to preserve the space required for permanent tooth eruption  after early tooth extraction .

In the period of growth and development, it is more important to provide oral and dental health in children specially with any systemic disease (heart disease, asthma, kidney disease, problems with blood values… , etc.) , it should not be forgotten that any infection that may occur with caries in the mouth may be vital in these situations .

Feeding during  childhood is of great importance in terms of growth and development starting from infancy. Especially in the feeding period with bottles to feed with sugar containing honey , molasses , jam or biscuit added milk or fruit juice is the most important factor to increase the risk of decay during infancy . Instead of these foods, feeding only milk or water with the bottle will be a safer approach in terms of caries formation. As a result of the use of foods containing such sugars to make sleeping easier before bedtime , this carbohydrate content during sleep can accelerate the formation of caries by creating acid attacks in the oral environment.

In this period, the concept of "balanced nutrition" and "dental care" are at the beginning of the points to be considered in terms of oral health. It is necessary to take advantage of all food groups equally for balanced nutrition and to consume carbohydrate foods, especially those which are known as  caries maker , frequently except for main meals. Snack between meals , sugary foods or chips , crackers containing starch and food sticking to the teeth  contribute to the preparation of the caries-inducing environment as metabolised during the period before our children brush their teeth. During feeding with baby bottles, not giving any liquid containing fruit juice , molasses milk , honey milk , biscuit milk or carbohydrate in general (especially during sleep) to baby with baby bottle, will also help to protect baby from bottle decay  at that time. Finally, brushing teeth with the help of a mother before sleeping, at least clean the tooth surfaces with a clean cheesecloth or gauze, if it is not possible , final water should be given .

One of the protective measures against tooth decay is fluorine application. Fluoride chemically and physically changes the structure of the tooth germ  by entering into the structure of the enamel , and as a result, the dissolution of the enamel in the acid medium is reduced. For this reason, during development, it has been thought that fluoride should be taken systemically, such as vitamins and minerals. However, it is argued that the decay-reducing effect of fluoride after tooth erupt  and in adults is more important and effective in terms of the local effect of  called fluoride "topical effect".

The greatest risk of using fluoride tablets is the yellow-brown staining of dental floss, which is called "dental fluorosis", according to the amount of fluorine taken. Studies have shown that children of mothers receiving fluoride tablets during pregnancy do not differ in resistance to decay .

More often nowadays , fluoride treatments applied more frequently by dentists at clinics and doctor’s office and / or at by individuals at home  have become more current. These applications can be performed with agents such as tooth pastes , jellies, gargles, solutions, polishes and foams. The goal in these applications is to prevent the development of caries and to reverse the process .

Especially with fluoride gel applications , frequency of caries highly decreased and it is stated that the frequency of caries is decreasing with the applications performed twice a year .The fluoride mouthwashes and toothpastes  that individuals can apply at home are also ideal protective methods of application. Fluoride toothpastes should be used with caution because of the risk of being swallowed by children . It is stated that toothpastes in standard concentration (1000 ppm and above) are said to be suitable for use in children at high risk. In the period between 6 months and 2 years age ; toothpastes with a low concentration less than 500 ppm  should be preferred . Especially in small children , attention is required brushing  their  teeth with the help of their parents  or under the guidance of parents

Important in tooth brushing process is good and effective cleansing of areas where bacterial plaque and food debris are concentrated . For  this, the toothbrush should be approximated to the tooth at an angle of 45 and follow a circular line with oval movements on the front surface of the tooth.This movement should be applied on all front surfaces of the upper and lower teeth. Later , food residues must be completely removed  from  pits of small and large molar teeth with chewing surface  with a sweeping motion.

Since the inner surfaces of the teeth especially the frontal area  are narrow, should be brushed perpendicularly to the upper and lower areas  behind the frontal teeth .

While brushing your child teeth , approaching correctly ,  this process should be ensured easy and quick . Support of the child's head, ouster of the tongue  with the help of the fingers, position of vision and your dexterity is important during toothbrushing .

On the chair:  Should goes behind the chair and brush the teeth by supporting the child's head with arms or body . While the child is sitting on the chair, the parent can sit on the back seat and perform the same process.

Sitting  Lying Down : Parents can brush teeth , while the child is sitting at the same time, parents sitting in a chair behind the child , the child slightly leans his head toward your knees . In the meantime, a pillow under the child's head will make the process easier.

Consistent relationship and cooperation between children, parents and dentists are important in the provision of oral and dental health during childhood. This is even more important when the child is disabled, has a chronic illness or is in need of special custody .Today, steps are taken to protect oral and dental health through protective approaches that develop in dentistry. With fissure sealant and fluor applications applied by dentists , the caries protection processes are carried out effectively and efforts are being made to spread preventive practices.




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